lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Chain Heal

Reading through I discovered something really interesting that inmediately caught my atention... It was kind of a webring but related to healers. So to inaugurate this blog I'm gonna start with this.

  • What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer? Njami, a female restoration troll from Raganaros US.
  • What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans) I mostly raid 10 man content because my computer can't stand too many people in screen, however I'm in a 25 man raiding guild so I do that too when required
  • What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? Definetly Riptide. It's definetly not the best spell we currently have, but I gotta say it's just awesome to top people off and adds a little burst following a LHW.
  • What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? Healing Wave. Its casting time is too long and I almost always find that it's better to throw a TWed LHW. It's too expensive too as I've found myself oom very quickly spamming it.
  • What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why? It's flexibility and healing output in certain fights. I can tank heal just as good as I raid heal plus we currently have one of the best spells for raid healing.
  • What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why? Lack of mobility I'd say since most of our heals take a bit longer han it takes to other classes, plus the only instant heal we have doesn't heal for too much.
  • In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you? I'd say raid healing is the best for me, specially in fights were there ara a lot of people stacked in certain place. That doesn't mean I can't tank heal, fow which I'm very good to.
  • What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why? Holy priests. The answer to this question might be a bit biased cuz I usually raid with a holy priest, but the sinergy between our two classes is great since we both can tank and raid heal properly so a bit of communication is enough to save a wipe to the raid.
  • What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why? Druids. I know they'r eprobably the best healing classes currently, however I can't undestand them properly since I keep healing over their hots. They're very nice to have in a raid 'cause of the innervate and improved gift of the wild, but it seems I need to understand better the way they heal.
  • What is your worst habit as a healer? Span Earth Shield in the tank even though there are still charges in the tank. It's not really that terrible, but it takes some time to get used not to do that. Another bad I have is that I focus too much in the raid frames, sometimes ignoring what's happening around me.
  • What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? "Heal ...", "heal..."... I'm the the healer not you... Most of the time I spend raiding is looking at the raid frames, do what you have to do and trust me.
  • Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing? Yes, we're currently in a very good place with other healer classes, in fact all classes have their pros and cons. If a class is a little bit avobe the others its gotta be druids.
  • What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer? Recount mostly. I don't care about who's topping the meters though, instead I like to compare myself with other resto shammys and the amount of spells casted during the fight.
  • What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class? We CAN tank heal, we're not only made of chain heals, you know?
  • What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn? New shamans tend to forget to use riptide when available or to refresh their shields. I think the shield issue is not as important as the riptide thing, since riptide is a great spell and offers a really versatile way keep the damage controlled.
  • If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)? People would probably see that I'm 1st or 2nd at recount and generally last at overhealing. I think I heal pretty well in aoe fights but I definetly need to improve when tank healing.
  • Haste or Crit and why? Haste ftw! Yeah... since most of our cast are a bit long we need to stack a lot of haste to keep up with other healers, otherwise it would be almost imposible to compete with other classes. Crit is not a bad stat either since it gives you mana regeneration, but with the ammount of crit in gear is more than enough.
  • What healing class do you feel you understand least? I'd say resto druids... I've played with resto druids but mostly in pugs and I tend to heal over their hots. I'm really looking forward to learn more about their mecanics and playstyle, but its not really a pririty now since we don't have any resto druids in our guild.
  • What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? I use Healbot for unit frames, decuse and heal, it's a really complete addon. For keeping track of my Riptide cooldown I use forteXorcist.
  • Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why? Haste ftw again! I'm fully gemmed for haste now with some gems with spell power.

Let's start with this

Hey there, I'm Njami and I'll be guiding you through this blog during its entire life. The blog will focus mostly in WoW and my particular view of it from the perspective of a restoration shaman, however you will see some music in here too.

So let me introduce myself to you. My name is Javier Campos, I'm from Chile therefore spanish is my first language, so I'm gonna have to ask you to apologize me for my english. I've been playing WoW in official servers for over one year now (I started with WotLK). My first character was a warrior named Mae who was leveled up to 55 in order to create a DK named Viradu, who became my main for like 6 months. After that I decided I should level something else so I decided to create Njami (pronounced Nyamee) who's currently my restoration shaman and I completely love her.

Njami doing Nexus as enhacement trying to get some emblems.

I decided to create this blog since little is known about restoration shamans compared to other healer... I've seen lots of blogs of resto druids, pallys and priests and very little about shamans and I'll try too keep it updated as much as possible. I don't have much time since university pretty much consumes all my time, but expect at least one post per week in here. Also if you have any idea or suggestion I can write about don't doubt sending me an e-mail to

That's pretty much everything I wanted to say today, I hope you like the blog and enjoy reading through it as I write new entries.